
Public Service Announcement

Attention all.

Lesson 1 – Love thy self 

It is important to think on ‘true, honourable, just, pure, lovely, good, virtuous, and praiseworthy things’ (Philippians 4:8). This is something that I have come to understand over the course of this past month. I am embracing all the beautiful things that God has blessed me with in my life and I am learning to truly love myself, just as God loves me. This period of singleness has not only allowed me to focus on my growth, but also to encourage those around me to embark on this journey of seeking our truth and recognising our worth. At the centre of this realisation stands forth, this pillar of strength an overwhelmingly unconditional presence – my Lord and my Saviour. Loving thy self is a constant journey that can truly only be embraced when you glorify God in your body and in your spirit and then you may come to realise, you are beautifully and wonderfully made in the image of Christ.

Lesson 2 – Pursuit of happiness

I’ve taken this time in my life to fervently pursue my dreams, goals and objectives as this is one of the greatest benefits that we may reap during this period of singleness. Though, it wasn’t long before I realised that I was using this to merely temporarily avert my attention from the sadness of someone whom I really care about and is very important to me, no longer being in my life. I simply couldn’t fill this void and instead of focusing on dealing with this situation, I immersed myself into work, my career and writing. Though there is nothing wrong with using the season of your life to put yourself first, it’s integral to your growth to accept that this void you are trying to fill can only be filled by God – that is how you can achieve true happiness within yourself.

Lesson 3 – Comparison is the thief of joy

Be joyful! As once we start looking around us, questioning why we have not found our companion, it’ll inevitably act as a hindrance to our spiritual walk. Drawing comparisons will only ever make you feel as if God is holding out on you. I am learning to be content with accepting that God knows what is best for me. I must trust in the Lord as he is forever faithful. Though, I am periodically filled with doubt, and question as to why someone I care about has parted from my life. I know that I may never come to understand why this has happened, but what I am aware of is that if things are meant to be, it will be; and thus I seek comfort in knowing that God knows what is best for me and when to add it to my life.

Lesson 4 – God’s timing, God’s healing 

I am learning to give myself time to get over someone. It doesn’t magically happen overnight or in a matter of days. I so desperately wanted it to be a quick and painless process, to the point where I tried to convince myself that I have reached this place of divine healing, when really I haven’t. I am trying to master being content with where I am and what God has given me in this moment. I know that God wants me to be so in tune with him that his desires for my life become my desires too. I know in my heart that I am valued and that in God’s timing, someone will treasure me for who I am, not only for my potential but for: my kindness, my growth, my successes, my kind and generous nature. So I am allowing God to heal my heart and allow me to truly love and to be loved.

Final lesson –  You are never alone

So yes, this is a public service announcement to you all. I leave with you a final remark, the penultimate lesson:

We are never alone because even in this period of singleness, if we truly believe and trust in the promises of the Lord, then we know that he will never leave our side – and that is something I just can’t and won’t ever get over.

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