
Right person, the wrong time?

And I ask thou, is the right person timeless?
Or doth turn away, and fear not that something bigger and better may not find us?
Were our paths intrinsically aligned?
To me, our meeting was beautifully designed.
A dangerously, dazzling connection of the mind,
as to any other suitor or passersby, I was blind.

He doth declare that time is not on our hands,
a poor hopeless fool nods and understands,
as I lose to another that remains in thou heart, slowly sinking in soft swallowing sands.
And though time waits for no man, I await you,
watching the clock for a moment or two,
but what stands is whether I am the right person, but the time is not yet due?

A constant wave of questioning the depths of why I am just never enough,
I grow tired and impatient – I just feel like giving love up, it’s far too rough.
Though through all of its phases,
I seek comfort in time, yet I witness no changes,
Curiosity screams and deafens me as I compete with the same faces,
a marked territory, an imprint of her impact, impenetrable traces.
And though I travel and seek love and certainty in different spaces and places,
I trail right back to you, my safe haven, with solemn graces.

And I ask thou again, is the right person timeless?
Or doth turn away, and fear not that something bigger and better may not find us?
And lest we not wait for the appointed time and in turn, we try now,
thus pardon we doth not ask the when, why or how,
as thou shan’t ever know if we doth not least let love and grace allow.

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