

…and as the line between friend and lover continues to blur,
to a point of no return to a place of as we once were,
and though we can’t seem to stop this enticing ecstasy to which we doth prefer,
but doubts and worry toil and true that I know not that I did not come before her,
and thus, thrusting through the thriving pain of the trialling truth beings to purr.

…and as the line between friend and lover continues to blur,
to a point of no return to a place of as we once were.
Sweet hushing tones, as we hold a sacred soothing sordid secret,
and you mould the nature of the truth so the outside dare not conceive nor believe it.
Merrily mask and triumph in telling tales,
and smile in sadness as privacy is cleverly and covertly wrapped, thus secrecy prevails.
Though we cannot help it, we cannot seem to stop,
lest we flip and see, and wait until the penny will finally drop.
And know that I am worth far more than this,
but I am thrilled by your touch, in bliss by your kiss,
I ponder and sink deeply into thoughts of you and the things that we did,
a fountain of ocean blues and a flame of fiery crimsons amid,
though the mere thought of feelings arising, oh Heaven forbid.

…and as the line between friend and lover continued to blur,
to a point of no return to a place of as we once were.
We sacrificed it all,
and we are the only ones to blame for the fall.
An insatiable hunger, a deep desire for you,
though with deep complexity, I must confess and it be it true,
don’t thou dare be mistaken, as deep feelings doth not exist for you,
and yet this connection is so satisfying and sweet, I doth not know what to do.

Though look closer, eyes affixed, oh this you must see,
I will settle if a secret is what this must be,
and though you spill words of love and care, I can never feel special,
and in turn seek comfort in you, I need not be careful.
Though your selfishness erupts and overflows,
and thus my fear and concerns grow,
as we need not now be friend nor foe.
And though time cannot rewind and we be as we once were,
you heart and mind belongs with her.

As the line between friend and lover faded away,
and though time doth heal and tomorrow may be a new day,
to call you my friend is a declaration that in my heart and out of my mouth I can never again say.

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