
Once a liar, always a liar…

A conscious stream of narcissism pumping through his veins,
spewing out poison, gifting guiltless victim pains,
and thus who was once ruled with love now aches with betraying, bewitching chains –
then pluck the earth’s green pleasures and hammer hearts and rain with dishonesty on fragile panes.

As ye strikes another mighty blow and her lofty innocence thou hath slain,
an endless slowly, sinking vortex of falsehood and in truth he doth tender refrain.
You doth not fool me, as your shallow sorrow arises only because thou hath been caught,
as the pain inflicted and repercussions were clearly only a mere afterthought.

And I declare again, Once a liar, always a liar,
and now that the stakes are far higher,
and yet we see no end to the depths of this man’s desires,
dabble and delve in conquests with selfish conspires.
Alas! The time is nigh, and he who plays in fiery crimsons, gets burned,
But don’t be fool’d, as he made many a choice, and he doth have nothing to have learn’d.

And dost thou now doubt Truth to be a liar?
as with acceptance and trailing back, you too are doused in ye’s fire.
As once a liar, always a liar,
and now that the stake’s no longer exist,
so hopeless to believe that a narcissist to temptation will ever resist?

A fleeting thought, reminds me that a King is worth endless pawns you see,
and yet it has little very little mobility,
so checkmate, the game is up, you’ve lost, the damage is done and now I leave you be,
as I carry myself home to my own happiness and victory.

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