
I have been writing for over six years, but I only started publishing my work four years ago. I was initially too scared to show others my poems, but I have always been so keen on giving others advice, and putting myself in other people’s shoes. Thus, having a blog seemed like the perfect fit for me, as I can combine my two loves onto one platform.

It seems that a lot of people are interested in what inspires me to write. The simplest way of me answering this question is honestly, anything and everything. I always like to discover new things, and I love to help others, and whenever a situation arises, I seek to learn from it in some way.

I find writing so therapeutic as it allows me to convey different feelings, in a creative manner. What I love the most about my blog posts is that people may interpret different meanings from each post. Furthermore, what I find extremely intriguing, is that everyone gains a unique, personal response and understanding of my poems. What is even more fun is the fact that nobody truly knows which poems are about me, my friends, or even the posts that are completely fictional and unrelated to what goes on around me. Either way, I feel that through my writing, others may appreciate my work and come to understand how insightful and creative that I can be.