
A four part letter to him

Part 1  Serpent, slither, slide and speaketh thy venomous verity,an ever etching polarity between thy tongue and thy conduct - a deepening disparity.Cloaked in a satirical, alluring armour,a muse, a chilling charmer. It is not that ye is not ready for thy relationship,it is just that with me, you never needed nor wanted to commit.… Continue reading A four part letter to him


I like the thought of you

I kind of like the thought of you,dip and dive in succulent salivating dreams anew,a face so divine, I can barely look at you,and presents thy idyllic image to my otherwise blurred view.Time and tide tarry for no man,yet you evoke a feeling like no other can.I always catch myself thinking of you,And doth ye… Continue reading I like the thought of you


Distance makes my heart ponder

Distance makes my heart ponder, No matter where you art thou yonder, And though winter breaks, an erupting yearning grows fonder.Distance makes my heart wonder,we’ve torn ourselves asunder,I crave you, like a deep-seated hunger.Distance makes my heart grow colder,and power lies in you, the benevolent beholder,though pride keeps me away like a cold shoulder.Distance makes… Continue reading Distance makes my heart ponder


The woman of your dreams

Twinkling almond dipped pools that do not lie,intrinsically affixed and intertwined - a bond that we can never deny,for chemistry such as this, logic doth not apply,as you my dear give me the sweetest high.  A vibrant faith, with freedom to follow one's heart, an ever-growing friendship, your exquisite counterpart.Knowledge, wisdom and prosperity I wish to… Continue reading The woman of your dreams


I bet he thinks this is another poem about him

I bet you think this another poem about you,alas, draweth a circle and if we conjure up the same, you know it to be true.By chance, forfeit and dare for misfortune falls anew,And await fair payment for trialling and turbulent effort that you ensue.And shed no more unbroken streams at the hands of distorted dreams,with… Continue reading I bet he thinks this is another poem about him


Lone wolf

Raving Raven perched alone, lonely, finding myself the only,a downpour of melancholy overflows across thy body, so slowly,a warm spirited triumph cascading lowly,as I abhorrently, unafflicted and boldly,ache for thy befitting mortal to hold thee. And singleness you chose me,moulding the shattered pieces that intimacy delivered thee,I would forget her, but a sadistic fever ever… Continue reading Lone wolf


Choose me or leave me

Choose me or leave me be, with grace and virtue float boundlessly adrift in your hopeless sea. Cocoon me in your echo-harbouring shell, with deafening and debilitating decibels and declarations where my delusion dare dwell. And thus it takes fine talents to ride again on this carousel, like unfulfilled desires in a wallowing wishing well, for… Continue reading Choose me or leave me